All posts tagged: Fruit

Chobani Soho Inspired Snacks

Just one hectic week after the next; all the finals, term projects, and assignment deadlines seem to come at once.  Regardless of how much you prepared ahead of time it always seems to hit hard.  My days have been spent with countless readings, writing, and brainstorming ideas for various design projects I have coming at me.  With all this hectic-ness though, I’m still trying to keep up with writing and ideas for my blog.  What I’m sharing today is something inspired from a little visit at the Chobani Soho while I was in New York City back in August.  Their little yogurt bowls were so yummy I tried to recreate a few recipes myself!  My two favourites so far have to be…. Plain Greek yogurt with clementine, cocoa nibs (or dark chocolate), pistachios, and honey AND Vanilla Greek yogurt with chai granola (from Bulk Barn), blackberries, and honey These combinations have at least kept my mood up while I cram and try to balance out everything else!

Going Green

It’s finally starting to feel like spring, at least for the time being so with swimsuit season fast approaching I know that I, among many others, will be pushing it to stay health (but only after those Easter chocolates are gone).  In my search for other juice places back in the fall, I came across this little gem that opened up just last summer. The Good Press is located in the heart of Yorkville but can be easily missed if you aren’t looking out; which kind of makes it feel cozier and ‘underground’ anyway.  From their array of juices as you walk in to their selection of smoothies and bowls, this place has got it all. From the different juice shops I’ve tried, the selection of juices here has to be one if not the best there is.  I say this because while they do have their super healthy green juices that I still can’t fight down, they have a variety of others that still have loads of benefits and nutrients while not tasting like …

Juicy Juice

It’s been a while since we’ve seen this juicing and juice trend on the rise but at the same time I can’t believe it was one year ago that I first go on board.  Last fall while coming back from a tempo practice at Mount Pleasant, I noticed an adorable little shed-like boutique taking shape.  It caught my eye with its wood panelling and bright white paint; it left a little mark in my mind so I made the conscientious effort to go by there again and take a closer look.  With a sign that said opening soon and a website to follow, I quickly looked it up to find out the details of this new storefront.  That little house is now known by Torontonians and all my friends from elsewhere as Greenhouse Juice Co. in which I have shared and gushed about their juices and success. Although I’ve never tried a true juice cleanse, whenever I needed a long walk and a healthy treat along the way, this was the place I go.  Their …

Salad Sensations :)

Salads often come across as something only for girls and their losing weight antics, but regardless of those comments, I could totally fall in love with a good salad be it for a starter, side, or a main dish.  So I decided to share some of my favourite combinations and secrets to making an amazing salad! Generally for a salad, I wouldn’t discount anything from being incorporated.  Anything goes, because salads can be warm, cooked, a typical green salad, without lettuce, you name it.  With some of the random things I find in my fridge every once in a while, it can be handy to not shy away from mixing and trying new combinations. The salad I made and enjoyed this week was a green salad topped with tons of veggies, some fruit, and cheese.  Almost every week at the grocery store I will buy the mix of spinach and arugula; both types of greens are quite bitter on their own but have more flavour than you’re traditional romaine and are less tough than kale …